Dreamer girl | Teen Ink

Dreamer girl

July 1, 2015
By Lovensky999 BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
Lovensky999 BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Some things are better left unsaid, they say."
Is this about the girl who has never seen the light of day?
The one who found her will after discovering a way?

"Yes, indeed. It's all a built-up tale about an ordinary girl.
Narrating her tale, even thinking about her,  makes my head swirl.
I can almost imagine her sing and dance, whirl and twirl."

Wasn't she invisible to those around her?
Everytime you start this story, I feel the world whir.
And, let me remind you, we talked about this last summer!

"Ah, yes. We did, didn't we? But, let me just complete..."
No, grandpa. Your tales are getting old and obsolete.
"I don't want this to ever be forgotten, don't let it deplete."

There. Our conversation fifteen years back, as I recall.
I reprimand myself almost everyday for letting things fall.
Maybe that's why I have created this barrier around me, a stubborn wall.

She was a dreamer. A girl who saw the world as her canvas,
where she could paint whatever her mind could encompass.
They subdued her, and she knew that this too shall pass.

In times of joy and grief, she held on
to her dreams and hopes, now tired and worn.
And that's how the seed of a miracle was sown.

Talented are those who think differently, grandpa believed.
Blessed was that girl, a gift indeed she had received.
We were the ones who had been misled and deceived.

In simple words, she found happiness in music and dance.
Her talent was clearly visible in her steps and stance.
All she needed was that golden opportunity, a fair chance.

Yet, everybody mocked her and her dreams.
She was told, "Nothing is ever as easy as it seems."
They suppressed her, despite her pleas and screams.

And like every story ends, she was no longer who she had been.
Once an omnipresent and fleeting soul, now she is nowhere to be seen.
It wasn't just her passion, but her very existence that was wiped clean.

Now, it's all talks and made up stories.
Sometimes skepticism and other times, guilt induced worries.
Buried below them all is a vault full of memories.

Her story never failed to inspire me, not for a moment.
And despite all that she had faced in her life, all the torment,
she chose to never regret a single thing, never to lament.

Alas, my days are coming to an end too, I must reveal.
I leave you with this request, this humble appeal
to dream and encourage dreamers, for their fate was never yours to seal.?

The author's comments:

A little something about myself, hidden behind a dense network of words. The title of 'dreamer girl' was given to me by one of my friends and it fits perfectly as the title for this poem too. Amidst this regretful narration by the persona lies a deeper truth, one that the readers must unveil for themselves. 

Hoping that people discover themselves through this piece. 

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