where has it gone? | Teen Ink

where has it gone?

July 10, 2015
By holly.mccallahan GOLD, Mclean, Virginia
holly.mccallahan GOLD, Mclean, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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it doesn't make sense to let go of something you have wanted for so long, but it also doesn't make sense to hold on when there's nothing there...

it slips through the holes in my heart

and i open my mouth

to cry out


but the sound is stolen

by the laughing wind


i give a desperate try

to reach it

my hopes lift

only to plunge again


it descends gracefully

away from me


someone, grab it!


but nobody can

only i can

and i do not.


it enters

the dark emptiness

without a splash


my horrified heart

watches as it slowly

sinks down

until i cannot see it




by some unseen monster


where has it gone?

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where has it gone?

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