My Time with You | Teen Ink

My Time with You

July 22, 2015
By DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
-Cheshire Cat

The Memories.
They're bringing me to tears.
All I can do is think about those beautiful moments,
Spent with you.


Playing Frisbee in the summer heat,
Time spent in a carefree manner.
Welding in jeans and flip flops,
I learned all I could.
Breaking walls on accident when we wrestled,
Mom always warned us but we never listened.
Harvesting corn every fall,
You were always happiest there.


Even as I fell apart about my self worth,
You built me up and told me I could do anything.
You Believed in me when nobody else did.


The Regrets.
They're ripping me to shreds.
I find myself thinking about the painful remorse about my time spent,
Time I could have spent with you.


Going to a party,
Instead of carving pumpkins.
Sleeping in,
Instead of going to work with you.
Staying at friends,
Instead of having game night.
I was waiting at Jacks,
When I could have said goodbye.


You believed in the person I was.
But I was only a product of my environment,
A product of you.
You were the best daddy anyone could have asked for.
My time was spent thriving with you.
My time was spent wasted without you.

The author's comments:

What your departure left me thinking about...

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