Con Moto | Teen Ink

Con Moto MAG

July 28, 2015
By MaireDubh GOLD, Grassy Creek, North Carolina
MaireDubh GOLD, Grassy Creek, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
-e.e. cummings

All along, he was memorizing Handel
The way he taught himself to worship
Fullness, Alberti bass,
That perfect wrong chord with one
Too many G sharps.
The way I breathed through his wax paper lungs
And tanning baby skin,
When all sorts of chemical molasses
Was prying open my window, playing
At airborne thievery
To snatch away
A pianist’s only fiction.
Ink always stretched for him, satisfied with drying;
Complacent in acting substitute
Nurse for a night or two.
He would gaze with chronic wonder
At wobbly bar lines, sloppy dotted eighths:
Our childhood disease never left off her tyranny
On the lichen-soft rug
Of his curly European hair.
What am I supposed to capture, then,
That could possibly be so secret,
So capricious,
As the way he plays with scherzo?
I guard – overmuch – his elbows
So fond of suspended animation
And hard counter top surfaces.
You’re too much a dancer for Clementi,I’ll mutter,
Knowing all the while he could make Schumann
Disapprove of me, punish me
And my fake pluviophile poetics; never give
A father’s blessing
To that sort of accusatory motion-picture composer
Who should’ve been a violinist.
But he’ll cry, just for comfort, as he pounds out
Another diminished seventh,
And keep his toddler wishes spiraling and winging
Their hawk’s way up to the gilded, yellowing moon;
I will be everything but pleased
With scribbling only the woolliest words
To settle cloak-like
Over his stooped, shaking shoulders.

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