A Deeper Knowledge | Teen Ink

A Deeper Knowledge

August 17, 2015
By JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
*Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars*

she craved a deeper knowledge,
because she was tired of just skimming the surface,
only knowing people’s stories and not their absolute purpose,
for life must be more than just a series of numbers,
and routine actions that people do before falling deep into their slumbers,
only to wake the next day
and do the same thing all over again.

she craved a deeper knowledge,
because the only words she truly feared were the ones left unspoken,
knowing that those words were the ones that left people crying and broken,
alone on the floor of their rooms behind the comfort of a door that’s kept locked,
their minds, hidden from the prying eyes of others, were blocked,
you would think that you knew her,
only to find that you didn’t at all.

she craved a deeper knowledge,
because she didn’t understand society’s obsession with inanimate objects,
forever waiting for a tidal wave of change to follow the next humanitarian projects,
she could see the world coming closer to their fingertips outstretched,
while feeling their hearts earthly bond being erased as if it had never been sketched,
and she knew, that in no time at all, the earth, and everything on it,
would be a memory for no one to remember.

she craved a deeper knowledge,
because her mind was full of questions unanswered, and so it was empty,
empty of the thoughts of others because no one talked anymore even though time was plenty,
questions were not asked and so answers were not given and no one seemed to care,
that they  were missing out on something more and that thought alone she couldn’t bear
so she laid beneath the stars, trying to borrow their wisdom
as they blurred beneath her tears.

she craved a deeper knowledge,
so she packed a small bag and left her home in a tiny town,
and began to see that the world was more than shades of just white, black, and brown,
there was a rainbow of colors to enjoy, all  she had to do was open her eyes,
and when she looked up she could see the whole world’s beauty reflected in the skies,
and that’s when she knew the key to a deeper knowledge was not found in others,
but within herself,
and when you understand that, you too will find the universe hidden
within your own damned soul. 

The author's comments:

I think everyone in this whole world is just looking for something more than they have been given. And I also think that is beautiful. 

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