Forever Gone | Teen Ink

Forever Gone

August 20, 2015
By sumayyah Akhtar BRONZE, Foxborough, Massachusetts
sumayyah Akhtar BRONZE, Foxborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A part of me is forever gone,

It slipped through my hands like pure chiffon.

But I wasn't holding onto it very tight

and so I didn't see it disappear from my sight.

Where it went, I may never know.

It escaped from its collar, free to go.

Perhaps to a person better than me

Or maybe it wanders the Earth, free.

But I will stand here, silent and still

Waiting for its return I will.

If our paths cross just once more, 

I'll chain it down to the dirt-ridden floor.

And for the last time, I'll be complete again

buried 5 feet 4 inches with all my pain

The author's comments:

 As with many pieces of writing, this poem can be interpreted in different ways based on the reader. For example, many of us have gone through something tragic or lost something or someone that we hold to be a part of us. Or, there are times we get so caught up with life that we don't notice ourselves changing- for the better or the worse. Whatever that special "part of you" is, losing it, like the speaker did in the poem, can sometimes (but not always) result in bitter feelings and hurt. But, sometimes it is all for the better, because  as the saying goes, " if you really love something let it go...".

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