Undesirable | Teen Ink


September 4, 2015
By MayaK SILVER, Rochester, Minnesota
MayaK SILVER, Rochester, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We choose to go to the moon and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. . ."

It Is A Shame.
That her skin is so tan,
If it wasn’t for those she would look like you, lamb.

They shook their heads and said
What A Pity
If it wasn’t for that height she would look like you, bite.

It Is Too Bad.
That her eyes are so black.
One could take her for a Black looking like that.

The clucking of the tongues echoed around the room,
My What A Crime
If it wasn’t for her fat she would almost look fine.

Why don’t you eat?
It Is A Disgrace
Your bones are sticking out all over the place. 

Straighten your hair
It Sticking Out of Your Head
With hair like that it looks like you just got out of bed.

What are you doing, leaving the house wearing slacks?
Those Are For Men!
You are a young lady now, and you act like you’re ten.

That shirt looks like you are wearing a bag.
You Look Trashy and Poor
You walk into a decent house and they will show you the door.

Are you studying again?
You Won’t Meet Anyone That Way.
After all, no man likes a girl that studies all day.

A “B” on a test?
You’re Dad Never Did.
But, then, you are you’re mother’s kid.

Undesirable in Two Worlds

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