The Human Machine | Teen Ink

The Human Machine

September 7, 2015
By Deena SILVER, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
Deena SILVER, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard about a science experiment
Where the men in white coats made a girl give up her feelings.
Suction tubes stuck inside her soul
They sucked her dry.
Told her that she would be perfect.
Unable to hurt and hurt others with emotions,
They said she'd be better that way.
I heard about a science experiment
Where a girl drained herself of every emotion
In pursuit of perfection,
No longer capable of anything
That would distract her from her quest of
Being perfectly robotic.
Measuring self-worth by grades on her paper
And bubbles filled in on SATs,
An industrious slave to the things she believed were important
Not human enough to let go.
Not human enough to know that achievement
Is not always numbers but more often qualitative
She became a machine
Analyzing bits of data each minute
But when it comes to emotions just can not compute.
I heard about a science experiment
Where a girl cried herself to sleep every night
Wondering why it didn't hurt when she cried
While tears traced lines along her face.
Her soul was frozen in place
From the time she decided that
Love hurts too much
And that nothingness is better than pain.
But emptiness fills just as much as emotions
Consuming some more vital organs each day,
Hollowing out her insides to the point
That she can't understand why she's standing.
She's forming a black hole,
Accepts love but can't give
She's set for explosion, or maybe implosion
Destroying herself, and she screams.
And screams again when she sees that the first time didn't hurt her
Because emptiness hurts the most of all pain
It's the pain that you feel when you're
Trying to feel pain but can't.
Trying to come back to life
To turn metal to flesh
To transplant a heart in the hole in your chest,
They say hate and love
Are really the same thing
And that apathy's the worst sin of all
Because everyone knows that black holes are the strongest in space
That they swallow all light and all hope
And all shooting stars you might wish on.
Until one comes along that is too big to swallow,
Light will conquer darkness
You have to have hope things will change.
Keep hoping that hoping for one shooting star
And crying at nights to feel pain makes you human.

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