Where I Am From | Teen Ink

Where I Am From

September 17, 2015
By harveyn7 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
harveyn7 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From spooky haunted houses
screaming from the sight of clowns and zombies and ghost
creating nightmares for the following night to keep me up

From the Saturday morning football games
with cold frozen dew on the turf melting as you step on it
and the post game lunches packed with sweet fruit and sandwiches

From dirty dishes piled high,
laundry baskets overflowing with dirty clothing
dog hair found on the chairs and couches and floor

I am from sweaty long tournaments
listening to squeaky shoes mark the floor
constant thumping from balls hitting the floor

I am from baby crabs running across your feet,
the salty ocean water getting into your eyes,
listening to the mariachi band while eating a tacos

I am from sitting in a car for hours and hours and hours
restless, waiting to see my cousins

From football to zombies to swimming in the ocean
childhood is memorable in many ways
different for each and every one of us

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