Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By 6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the frosty hockey rink, surrounded by sweaty equipment
buzzers sounding, coaches screaming, “Skate, Zach, skate!”
I’m from an athletic family, four siblings playing hockey, football, baseball, basketball, and soccer.
Mom complaining about running from school to school for sports
I’m from stinky hotel rooms
sleeping in my bed only on weekdays.

I’m from a jammed-pack van,
eight hours to the UP.
I’m from bumpy pontoon rides,
vomiting from the choppy water.
Grilling out on the beach
while kids were splashing in the famous Lake Superior.

I’m from a frantic family of four,
From Leah sobbing home on Easter,
because her arm broke on the swingset
From rushing Tyler to the ER on a Christmas Eve night,
blood, head split open, because of a pillow fight
From Tanner’s boy scout trips and camp outs
and hectic Sunday evenings with Mom,
Watching Packer games and following our fantasy football teams.

A chapter of my life is complete,
and hopefully many more adventures to come.
But I will always be from a loving, caring family!

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