Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By 6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from bus rides after rewarding track meets,
trying not to forget on the way home.
I’m from watching horror movies until I can’t sleep,
only to re-do it the next day.
I’m from the car door smashing my finger,
red pooling in my hands.
From the blood, bumps, and bruises of tubing,
wishing they could’ve tossed me off.
From the imprints of strings on my fingers,
hoping to build up the calluses.

From lemonade stands at the end of the driveway,
earning strangers’ tips.
From blotting bingo sheets at Joanne’s,
fighting over the colors.
From sifting through Lego’s for Danny,
completing it time after time.
From sweaty basketball sessions,
bounces echoing through the neighborhood.

I’m from the clanking dishes,
the crash of one hitting the floor.
I’m from lost hair ties,
questioning where they run off to.
I’m from wearing jackets in the summertime,
enjoying the warm embrace
From the shrill barks of Buddy,
causing shrieks throughout the house.
From the empty ears,
saying, “I’m gonna get them pierced!”

From the panicked yelps of Bananagrams’ with Muggs,
pulling a win each time
From Emilie making up card games,
instantly fed up
From Samantha pelting mushy strawberries,
seeking revenge each and every time.
From Jason tipping the kayak,
saved by the heroic pontoon.

I’m from “see the best in everything.”
I’m from a life of family.
I’m from happy, happy, happy...

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