Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a house with noises from hammer and nails--
a house of renovation.
A place nature reclaimed as its own,
my family received word the task was great.
Wooden beams, brand new drywall,
and coat of wet paint.
Our work created relaxation
and restored the home.
Break time is a treat,
a frosted glass of lemonade shivered our feet.
When the tree grew more branches,
it was time to find new soil.

I am from silence
in this constructed house.
There was no work to be done
(except make it our own).
From planting burning to box,
and then on to birch,
we made it our home.
Trouble brewed and
our tree dug up.
And it was time to find new soil.

I am from the noises of work again,
as we found ourselves renovating.
With restrictions,
time showed we could tackle the task,
like a linebacker rushing at full speed.
We grew comfortable on our partially owned land,
and wanted to make it our own.
But greedy people took i,
so it was time to find new soil.

I am from construction noises again,
determined to keep this one for our own.
We stripped the house bare
and worked day and night.
We dug our roots in,
and found our new soil.

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