WIF Worksheet | Teen Ink

WIF Worksheet

September 17, 2015
By Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Time where the world was at peace

From a town of excellence and a town of fun a metro area of a great city where the wonderful things happen

I was born at the end of the 20th century

I am number four of the five kids

I am from a hard working immigrant family, who came to the United States for a better life

I am interested in hockey, and hanging out with friends such as having people over

I am interested and enjoy working for a family company Urban manufacturing in Pewaukee Which is a manufacturing business for GE and Harley Davidson

I am an outgoing loyal patriotic friend

I am an honest person by knowing to always tell the truth

I am a hardworking person because of what I have accomplished

I am from northeast United States

I dislike soccer

I believe that hard work pays off

If you work hard you can achieve your dreams

School memories: Autos class, Geometry, Homecoming, storms

Snowboarding and hockey in the winter days

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