Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
AliceRose GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from "love you more than you say every day every way," exchanges between mother, and daughter, whispered between choked back tears.
I am from the bedroom, walls painted with the foamy sea, cluttered, and pumpkin candles, their scent mixing with fresh air, blowing in from open windows on fall and summer nights.
I am from homework-filled, anxious afternoons in the yellow kitchen, studying to get into Madison or Minnesota...

I’m from nights of laughter with Megan and Carly, and now from morning glazed and creme filled donuts with Alyx and Brianna.
I’m from the anticipation of the next serve, the swinging of the racket, sweat dripping as the tennis ball soars.
I’m from cozy blanket forts and midnight video games with Ashley, buttered popcorn bubbling out of the bowl, the Legend of Zelda theme humming in the background...

I am from dreams of Paris, Italy and Japan, longing for adventure in places I've never seen, from an imagination of desires taking me far from the place I call "home."
I am from midnight drives to McDonalds, french fries dangling out the window into the dewey, bitter air.
I am from the bond between family, growing stronger with each exchange of "love you more than you say....
every day,
every way."

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