Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By amh623 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
amh623 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not from the lake I ended up at,
From the boat, jet ski and Corvette.
I’m not from the upper class
From “Get whatever you want” and homes.
I’m not from Gucci and Channel
From tailored dresses and expensive shoes.

I’m from towns with 1,000 people and wooded areas
From Mr. Clean and Febreze,
I’m from the lilac tree out front and cherry trees separating the yard
From the neighbor’s party.
I’m from gossip
From “Everyone knows everyone’s business.”

I’m not from the country clubs or golf course,
From the in-ground pool and tennis court.
I’m not from trips to Europe,
From plane rides to limos.
I’m not from parents who travel,
From vacation homes and timeshares.

I’m from the home that reminds of Christmas,
From “Put others before yourself, unless you feel it’s right to be selfish.”
I’m from my mom’s side of the family
From Italians and holiday dinners
I’m from yelling about March Madness and the Rose Bowl,
From running at eight months old.

I’m not from the lake I ended up at,
From the boat, jet ski, and Corvette.

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