Where i'm from | Teen Ink

Where i'm from

September 16, 2015
By linzt6 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
linzt6 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from precisely cut green grass
The smell of freshly planted tulips,
JJ confidently zooming down the gravel path
Mom with a glass of iced tea.

From trains shaking the cupboards
From “be safe, see you later.”
From green eyes and tan skin.
From police ringing the doorbell.
I am from venison in the freezer
bluegill fried for dinner
Firework shells falling on my face…
Curt soaking the brats in beer.

From 6:30 am alarms
From green and gold jerseys
From dad sobbing over his mother's death
From heartbreak and tears

I am from chemotherapy
Weak bones and bald heads
grandpa not being able to walk
“can we go plant some tomatoes?”
grandpa, it’s the middle of December.

From bonyacalda on Christmas Eve
From bows and boxes galore
From “Winchester, lay down!”
From tired eyes and lonely thoughts...

I am from green siding
dents from basketballs
Alex knocking on the door three times
JJ fighting with dad

From a full driveway
From tears on my pillow
From words that never made sense
From mom taking her wedding rings off.

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