Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from dog piles, walk off hits,
and buzzer beating shots.
from indoor sports: emotional, heartfelt, mini Olympics.
I am from the Merton mansion sized oak trees in my backyard, the sprinklers out front
and the pine tree sap raining from above.

I am from midnight mass and forgiveness,
from Don and Drew and Cindy.
I am from the sarcastic sayings and the sensitive reactions.
From “Stay true to what you know” “You have to clear the plate first”
And “It’s 85% mental.”

I am from the lines snaking through the pews for communion on Sunday mornings.
from Elm Brook Hospital, pumpkin pies, and dirt cakes.
I am from neighborhood trails, Nixon park, and shredding my grandma’s grass with her four wheeler.

I am from Bayfield, WI.
I am from the airsoft guns, the homemade mozzarella sticks, and the choke holds from my intimidating brother.
From believing myself and holding onto friends and family.

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