Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ank13 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a two story blue house
with depressing pale white multicolored sofas.
Where my grandfather sat and watched Nascar
and 7:00 pm Sunday night football.
“Let’s go Green Bay Packers!” As my grandfather would say.

I am from laying by my mother's side
with her long, wavy, soft brown hair on my cheek.
As she sang to me “You are my Sunshine.”
Her perfume aroma in the air. (Fresh, and gentle)

I am from Disney movies.
From reciting every line from the Lion King
to owning 54 Disney movies on VHS.
And having my pink princess-themed room (A mirror with six princess on it).

I am from Polly Pockets and Barbies
and baby dolls
To Webkinz with strange names--
Chocolate, Moosey, Squiggles, and Buddy.

I am from my mother's side.
My father, never in the picture
It’s the side I know…
From making Greek, Swedish and German recipes
To Grandpa cooking family meals--
Steak, Chili, Shake-n-bake, and BBQ chicken.

I am from a family saying...
“let’s boogaloo, bug-out for the dugout and blow this pop stand”
Or “who put the nickel in you today”
And “We got the whole fam damn here”

I am from the two story blue house
The house I grew up in
the house I still live in.
This two story blue house is made up of things.
Most of all, it made me, me.

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