Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a stone wall with twists and turns.

From an open prairie to the shady trees.
I am from the leash tied up in back.

I’m from the “How do you know” and “Toughen up.”
I’m from water poured upon my forehead and small wafers dipped in his blood.

From the imagination to ink, online to see;
and the mother understand my joy in it...

I am from a divided mind.
From lenses and moving props in darkness.
I am from “Crazy Kids” and “Die Young.”
“From Dear Future Husband” and “All About That Bass.”

I wish I was from perfecting due dates and straight A’s, but instead
I’m from creating personalities and characters to match.

I’m from exploring pallets of the rainbow to creating edible art.
I’m from enjoying the pink fish and food from halfway around the world.

I am from appreciation for a show with candy colored ponies
to fearing being alone on earth.
I wish I was from enjoying the view from the mountains
and enjoying the outdoors, but instead
I am from watching Mark, Felix and Jack on the screen.

I am from blowing into a metal pipe to pressing keys,
making music for people to enjoy…

From staying over at Grandma’s house on the weekends
to enjoying her cookies on winter holidays.

I am from a phone call to wake the sleeping night.
From hearing news that changed the Scholls.
I am from the knife, crying out with Brad’s blood.
To the scar covering the opening that hurt the brother I so dearly loved.

I’m from therapist appointments and stubborn silence.
From the salty tears cause by a maturing family.
I’m from the heartbreak of watching Stuart leave.

I am from deceit and paranoia
which drove relationships downhill
I am from hurting Alexis and pushing her away,
the sister I’ve wanted…

I’m from Meg, a sunflower in my patch of adonis flowers.
From Travis, who my heart beats for.
I’m from destroying trusts with one mistake
to gaining the forgiveness I didn’t deserve.

I am from Skype and the friends that welcome me with open arms.
From the mother who doesn’t believe in online friends.
I am from bottling feelings and breaking points.
I am from creating a compliment from an insult,
but hurting within myself.

I’m from looking forward to a brighter day
to a haunting past.
I am from Sue and Gary,
planning to take me back from where I came.

I am from a life with twists and turns,
never knowing where each path will take me.

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