Where im from | Teen Ink

Where im from

September 16, 2015
By luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the dirt bike I used to ride through rain and snow,
and summer camping trips from not too long ago.
from the sun on a field when the corn gets harvested,
and vacations in Door County where my grandpa lives.     
from hunting trips with my dad, following a deer track.
waiting in the freezing snow, with a rifle on my back. 

                                I am from the music studio in my room,
                                    with its millions of knobs and buttons 
and the drum set in the living room (red and shining).
from the guitar I tried to learn, but couldn’t stick with,
and the piano I wish I had but never did.
from the sound of my sisters singing. 
and the strumming of my mother’s guitar.

I am from the boxing bag hidden in the cellar 
and pool table that goes unused
from getting home at 10 from work
and family movie night
from chess and black jack with my dad
                               and fights over who is better
                                with my sister.

I am from the outdoors
and summer camping trips from not to long ago.
From the music my family plays
and the drum set in the living room (red and shining) 
From family games and movies 
and the boxing bag hidden in the cellar.

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