Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from cedar and pine,
from back roads to deep woods.
I'm from family values and keeping strong,
from Grandpa I love you, to Grandpa I miss you.
I'm from honor and respect we desire,
from being honest to treating others like yourself.

I’m from the back forty and Dieball
from the acres I grew up on, to the cousins that were my siblings.
I'm from back roads and country music,
from the roads I grew up on, to the songs I felt my soul in.
I'm from “till the field” and dusty headlights,
from the International I drove when I was young, to the dust of the field right after we till.

I'm from family values and keeping it strong,
from losing my idol to Pretending everything's okay when it’s not.
I'm from Grandpa I love you, to Grandpa I want to be like you,
from Monches where he taught me inspiring person like him.
I'm from Grandpa I miss you, to Grandpa come back,
from seeing the pine box to crying at a marble slab.

I’m from ink and John 3:16,
from becoming an artist to being a respected member in my church.
I'm from honesty and pride,
from being straightforward to “Don’t do it for you do it for them” .
I'm from treating other like yourself to learning self-respect,
from kindness to people who don’t deserve it to learning to have trust in what I believed in.

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