I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

September 16, 2015
By singing27 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
singing27 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from pictures,
which hold the memories of my life.
From wanting to learn sign language
to talking with my hands to people who can’t hear.
I am from the drawer under my bed--
bottling up blankets and childhood memories…

I am from the gunshot noise
as lightning struck the tree,
and sleeping downstairs fearing it would return for me.
From collecting hats for bald kids
because of the craniofacial surgeries endured.
I am from bike rides to Starbucks with my mom
on Friday mornings in the summer air…

I am from sleeping in one house Tuesday night,
and another house Wednesday night.
From respecting my morals,
and not having “too much fun.”
I am from a class of 100,
to a class of 600…

I am from getting in my new car
only do drive around aimlessly.
From being myself,
even if that’s not the person people like.
I am from not saying anything,
if it won’t positively impact someone…

I am from singing on Thursday,
and family get-togethers Sunday.
From fried cheese curds and the ferris wheel
on the day I was born.
I am from sleeping in my room with my sister,
wrapped up in my blankets, and
dreaming of memories to come.

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