I am from... | Teen Ink

I am from...

September 16, 2015
By alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from not waking up at dawn,
the weariness of trudging through school with heavy eyelids.
The pushing and shoving, scrambling to class,
overhearing “Get to class on time.”
Having fun when my head brims with stress clouds,
short dresses, ties and sweaty bodies dancing to blasting music the DJ selects,
stadium filled with bodies wearing red
cheering “Go Warhawks!”
I am from the school I will remember even when I no longer exist here.

I am from people who I call my family
though we do not share the same blood.
This place is my second home,
where I spend 13 hours of my week.
Those nights when I wanted to give up and go to bed.
When I’m exhausted and hungry
but still push through.
The ongoing pain from muscle soreness, bruised knees, and twisted ankles.
I am from the place that built my confidence while breaking my body.

I am from the adrenaline that dares.
Day and night it took to prepare,
mentally and physically.
Traveled hours to another state
just for one night.
Worrying about forgetting
before stepping on stage.
Bright lights hit, music blasting, and I’m on fire.
I am from the glimmering medals, pins, and trophies.

I am from the rain
August 13, 2011.
People may call it luck
but I call it destiny.
waiting for my dreams to come true.
After a long wait,
Selena Gomez stood before me.
I am from the day that changed my life.

I am from August 3, 1999 - 7:42 pm,
20 inches tall.
Today, September 8, 2015,
I exceed 63 inches.
Over the course of 16 years,
I have developed brown, wavy hair.
Like snow white,
my skin as fair as the princess herself.
I am from the 206 bones that built me from head to toe.

I am from the school where I spend seven hours a day
five days a week.
The studio where my emotions get turned into art.
Places I travel
to show the world that I’m not just a pretty face that thinks they can dance.
A role model whom I wished to meet
on my 12th birthday.
Where an idea turned into reality.
I am from the 365 days where I live life to the fullest.

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