Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from clumsy incidents and unlikely circumstances,
from school pep rallies to scheduled school dances.
I’m from sticky sweat and heavy breathing,
to repeated lessons and tutor-aided reading.

I’m from innovation and new things,
joining swimming--my Achilles’ heel.
I’m from courage and gutsiness leading to success,
where that same gutsiness led to injuries in excess. 

I am from striped jerseys and whistles screaming,
from parents’ unintelligible complaints to nonsense.
I am from observant calls made with precision,
result in games determined by my decision.

I’m from passion and competitiveness combusting violently,
where practice shows itself silently.
I’m from size and strength determining my worth,
where grass stains and dirt stain my jersey.

I am from the morning dew, moistening my boots,
where my own eyes foretell the forecast.
I am from where raindrops pelt my makeshift housing,
where a downhill slope brings sighs of relief.

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