Where I'm from | Teen Ink

Where I'm from

September 22, 2015
By Tsherman12 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
Tsherman12 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from puffy eyes, and mother’s arms wrapped like a blanket on a winter's night.

Unfinished projects that lie on the stairs
Chalk stands and shiny leotards, that sparkle with each move.
From Friday morning chocolate pancakes.

I’m from a clothes pile from last week's family dinner. 
A book that lies untouched
Dirty hands and scraped knees from the blacktop that burns to the touch
From Chef boyardee sauce smeared across the granite countertop.

I’m from a world that doesn't see over 5’
Muscles larger than men
A pumping heart that speeds up as the lines “ O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave” sing
From a world believing in mistakes.

I’m from a camera lens that sees more action than a beat up textbook.
Smiles that bring more happiness than chocolate cake
Memories that create moments
From a child's hand that comforts my soul.

I’m from emergency room blankets, and blown up disposable gloves.
Freezer full of stacked lasagna that each has a different taste.
Dried tears and pale skin with a name tag that reads ICU
From a worry face of father that sends goosebumps down my arms. 

I’m from a world with a responsibility, not only of myself but for a mother.
Dedicated Sunday morning church 
Prayers deeper than reading
A dream further than seeing

I’m from tree climbing barefoot, pigtails summer days. 
Adventures leaving me with fear
Memories leaving me with smiles, that add to my collection of Hope.
From a journal that keeps my thoughts running like the Tap Recorder that plays “You are my Sunshine.”

I’m from a life that holds a journey.
From a journey that holds a future.
A sun that shines even when “Skies are grey.”
A crumpled up piece of paper that reads…Where I’m from

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