I Care | Teen Ink

I Care

September 23, 2015
By purplezebra01 GOLD, Warren, Pennsylvania
purplezebra01 GOLD, Warren, Pennsylvania
19 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You're misunderstanding the role of best friend, I think. You only need to know what I deem is necessary to tell you. This is not one of those things, so quit asking." -Lacey Weatherford (Crush)

I try to be strong
But the smallest things can pull me down
What is my weakness?
What makes me vulnerable to these little details?
Is it that I try to be nice to everyone?
Or is it because, somehow
I'm an easy target
I stand through all the hatred from others
While some lose their selves in it
But what doesn't bother most
Bothers me
Upsets me
  Angers me
And sometimes I just don't understand
As much as I don't care what people
Deep down inside
My weakness is that I care
Too much
And the more and more people tear me down
The less and less my heart becomes
But I refuse to be like the others
An emotionless robot
Who doesn't care
Whose heart has become small
And life's tragedies don't phase
Or some who have no respect

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