All Alone | Teen Ink

All Alone

October 12, 2015
By Sdavi11 BRONZE, Lamar, Missouri
Sdavi11 BRONZE, Lamar, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m all alone here in this cage
There’s no way out of it
The door is locked
Who can open it

I’m all alone here in this cage
A hand is reaching out
I just push it away
No one can know

I’m all alone here in this cage
I can never leave
Everyone will know if I do
No one can know or else

I’m all alone here in this cage
Why must no one know
It must be kept a secret though
I’ll just stay in this cage all alone

The author's comments:

When I was depressed I always felt alone and I thought I should share it and if I shared it maybe others would share how they felt or how they feel.

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