A Bird in the Hand | Teen Ink

A Bird in the Hand

October 27, 2015
By casualskyline BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
casualskyline BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Away, away” ticks the clock
“Hurry, hurry” says the rising sun
With a massive breath of wing,
The birds of the world take flight
All shapes and sizes
colors and cries
They gather together,
One gorgeous orchestra of spirit and air
Twittering, cooing, tweeting,
Screeching, cawing, screaming
A storm like no other
The sparrows leave busy nests
The great eagles tear up roads with mighty claw
The ravens bring back the sun
And the owls summon the wind
The movement is slow to begin with,
Dissolving into a waterfall of escaping feathers
“Go, go” screams the crows
“Come, come” coos the doves
“Hurry, hurry” says the setting sun
“Away, away” ticks the clock

Excitements ruffles my wings
I step from my branch
And fall

The author's comments:

Fly away until you know where you're going.

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