Ha, Ha, Ha. | Teen Ink

Ha, Ha, Ha.

October 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Ha, Ha, Ha.

The laugh in the dark
I saw your face through the stark
White moon in the pane
Muffled screaming overshadowed by the rain
Blood stained red, sprayed around
I leaked out while you tiptoed past the ground
And your howl of laughter chills me to the core
I can’t remember how to breathe anymore

A death in the back of the papers
An event they forget to tell the neighbors
A crime the police don’t report
That will never make it to court
My body in a box
But still, from under the rocks,
I hear that laugh begin to roar

Your voice haunts me evermore.

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on Oct. 28 2015 at 10:46 pm
mwilliams SILVER, Nashville, Tennessee
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Favorite Quote:
"People will always choose safety over freedom" -Napoleon Boneparte

Yessss. Jerome.