Earth is a Poem | Teen Ink

Earth is a Poem

November 3, 2015
By AnaSofia BRONZE, Miami, Florida
AnaSofia BRONZE, Miami, Florida
4 articles 5 photos 2 comments

Gaping ahead, a boundless Canyon I see
The scorching sun burns me,
Boiling the blood running through my veins.
I yearn for the coolness of the moon.
Nevertheless, my surroundings enthrall me.
In the midst of an ethereal earth, I am speechless
As if any and all combinations of our incompetent words
Would understate the beauty I absorb.
I think this beauty unreal,
Yet what is more real than nature untouched by man?
I often forget how small I am.
How little I matter in the scope of everything,
How little I affect the planet,
How little I am, yet I often forget it.
How little I am, yet I think my problems
Are deeper than oceans.
I am but a letter, Earth is a poem.

The author's comments:

I went hiking in the Grand Canyon, and I have not been the same since. It was humbling, it was the best experience of my life. This is why I wrote the poem, it captures a sliver of what I felt as I hiked through the extensive Canyon.

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