The Power of Forgiveness | Teen Ink

The Power of Forgiveness

November 6, 2015
By runnerguy357 BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
runnerguy357 BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It isn't fame and fortune I want, I want friends, but, fame and fortune would be really nice though, yea, I want fame and fortune"

everything is bad now
I have made a mistake,
A truly treacherous terrible one
And there’s nothing I can do to take it back
It’s not the mistake that was so bad,
but the effect it left on people.
I wish ever so sorrowly I could take it back.
But it has already done the damage.
I will have to try and repair as best I can
If I don’t wallow away in my own despair.
If I do not do something the pain will kill me,
but then again, what is there to be done?
A spirit came a calling to me
In a voice ever so faint
saying this, “you have done much wrong”
This only plummeted me deeper into despair.
the spirit then said “you must right your wrong’
“How oh how, you wise soul?” I cried
“The answer will not be found within me,
But within your heart.” He so sickeningly replied
I feel like I have no heart left.
Deeper and deeper
It felt like I was falling and couldn’t stop.
Depression is a disease as such.
Deeper, Deeper, Deeper.
I wasn’t even living anymore.
And at this point it was the Angels.
Beautiful and elegant,
calling to me.
I jumped and jumped but just couldn’t reach.
For days they were moving closer and the world around me was fading.
Until finally a week later the outsides were gone,
And I was in the arms of an angel.
Still left with the wonder of what could have been done.
I could not find the answers as I was being lifted to the sky.
So I faught.
Faught and faught until my body could take it no more.
And I was back to falling.
Falling falling falling
Falling, farther till as if there was no end.
I then landed back in reality.
I found then the answer.
I must go right my wrong.
and then, then my soul will be at peace.
Peace with the angels,
Peace with the people,
peace with the world.
I begged and pleaded for the forgiveness I did not even deserve,
and ever so graciously, it was granted to me.
It was then that I could be freed.
My soul was free to leave reality.
I was now gone.
Gone away with the angels.
I will not be missed,
but that is a small price to pay,
for the power of forgiveness.

The author's comments:

I would like all that read this piece of work to know that I in no way shape or form am depressed. This piece of writing was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's "Bells" and "The Raven"

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