My one and only baby boy | Teen Ink

My one and only baby boy

November 10, 2015
By Vannah2000 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Vannah2000 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He’s the first thing I think of in the morning

And the last thing I think of at night

He’s so smart, I helped him learn his A B C’s
He thinks, that when i read to him, it’s cool

Everyone says he’s so polite
He always says please and thank you

He runs up to me everytime I come home
He always ask for me while I’m at school

I always have candy so I give him some

His bright, smiley, and chubby face is so adorable
He always
I love to hug him, He’s so huggable

When were outside he loves acting like a train
My nephew means a lot to me
I love making him happy

The author's comments:

My nephew inspired this creation he's my everything and I would be the same person I am without him and I love him dearly. 

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