Our World: How I See It | Teen Ink

Our World: How I See It

November 15, 2015
By TheClever1 SILVER, Ashland, Wisconsin
TheClever1 SILVER, Ashland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The youth of today

we matter too..

oh, what did we ever do?
all we want is peace
all we need is love
and now all we can do is pray to the one above
we're killing eachother
but why?
over money?
over land?
only to put more in your own hand?
this doesn't make sense
everything is getting more intense
I know the youth on the other side
agrees too
I'm telling you
we matter too
we just want peace
we just want love
but how come this is all we can think of?
these poor families, of innocence

they just want happiness

now they are hurting
now they are in pain
or even dead
what are we doing?
wake up don't you see!
it doesn't have to be this way
We don't have to follow their lead.
WE CAN stand together.
WE CAN make a change!
WE WILL go do something that is out of our range!
I can't wait to reach out and help,
to teach others what it's really all about..
It's time we stand together as one.
To make a difference!
Don't you see?
Together we can do so much,
Then everyone can be free.
We all deserve to just "be"
We must stand and make a change together, and be a team.
So let's take eachother hand in hand,
One by one we will stand.
For truth and for hope.
We are one.
We are the world.
We are going to conquer this slope.

The author's comments:

This is something I wrote, this is how I feel about  what is happening in our world currently, and what has already been happening. I wrote this for humanity. I wrote this for the children in my country and other countries, I wrote this for the ones who died, the ones who are suffering, and their families. And most of all the ones who are causing this. I know that we can do better then this. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. If we all would just lend a hand and reach out, that's all this world needs. It's time we take a stand, before its too late. We must not lose faith in humanity.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 20 2016 at 7:38 pm
This should be published.

on Jan. 25 2016 at 7:35 pm
This needs to be published! Absolutely beautiful.