An Ocean Between Eyelashes | Teen Ink

An Ocean Between Eyelashes

November 17, 2015
By Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your eyes tend to burn with fire

Even though they were blue.

They flicker

With embers of your depth.

A pair of kaleidoscopes

That twist and turn to see

What you would call

the bigger, better picture.

Such a deep color

Worn on such a beautiful person.

Glossed with greens, blues, and golds

Only visible to me.

There are shimmering sunsets that bloom regularly

And tsunami's over your waterline rarely.

A duo of priceless gems..

Captivating anyone willing to risk a glance.

Powerful currents

Pulling me in

More and more

Day by day

Untill i am completely stranded

In the ocean between your eyelashes.

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