The Boy Pharaoh | Teen Ink

The Boy Pharaoh

November 30, 2015
By 6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ruler at the age of 9,
he is not classified as a normal guy,
He’s the King of kings,
Ruler of the people,
Some wish he could still be King -- like a sequel. 

One can find him hunting for prey near the Nile,
where Egyptian flappers set the style.
But look no further than a mile,
because kids were eaten everyday...
by crocodiles.

With every step he buries,
the enemies that are depicted on the soles of his sperrys.
He was laid to rest in a coffin,
but not often is one drenched in gold.
He was long on riches, but short on skirts, socks and britches.

Some still wonder if his curse is fact or fiction.
He ran Egypt like keys to the ignition,
for 10 years, you could say he completed his mission.
From morn ‘till night he graced a throne,
Five hundred wives he once called his own.

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