Khufu's Resting Place | Teen Ink

Khufu's Resting Place

November 30, 2015
By Lasch GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Lasch GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Passionate ruler
of his Kingdom. Helping
hands move stones and gently
lay them into place. No rest for the people
as they need to be strong and stealth for their leader.
The sun sets as Khufu grows faint and fragile. The people panic
and pace with sweat dripping down their face. They scurry like mice
to complete the Pharaoh's final resting place. Khufu lies among his possessions,
protected by granite walls. His determination, dedication, and devotion remain in remembrance. Egyptians gather together as peace replaces the emotions surrounding Khufu’s final resting place.

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