Alexandria--Lost to the Hands of Flames | Teen Ink

Alexandria--Lost to the Hands of Flames

November 30, 2015
By IZB123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
IZB123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Intellectual center of antiquity;
the world ravishes her wisdom.
She enchants foreigners with goods--
always fulfilling, always  

Her library...
Scrolls more valuable than silk,
classical minds greater than any god--
she is the world’s finest archive.
I voyaged here to explore her
intrinsic treasure.

Darkness blanketed Alexandria...

I woke to screaming--
smoke, flames, soot.
My eyes met the monstrous attack.
The boiling rage engulfed the Library.
Cries of scholars echoed the city.
Paralyzed--blood runs cold.

Mysterious fate of Alexandria’s athenaeum.
Was it Julius Caesar?
Eternity of wonder, desolation, and sorrow for
the marvel of impossible value.
To the hands of flames.

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