Alexandria's Guiding Light | Teen Ink

Alexandria's Guiding Light

November 30, 2015
By Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sailors load treasured shipments in preparation to sail into the unknown.
As they set, the sky darkens and the sun abandons them.
The wind stirs, bearing a warning.

Out at sea, the sky cries and bellows.
There’s no time for regret.
The wind gusts, commanding them to go back.

The ocean turns as bodies lie on the seabed.
Only one sailor remains, praying for mercy.
The light breaks through, bearing a promise.

The ship breaks free from the sea’s chains,
following the bright guide through the craggy and shallow beach.
The light shines, revealing the safe haven.

Shifting through the labyrinth of rocks and waves,
the sailor makes the boat follow the bright shepard.
The light guides, rescuing the lost.

The surviving made it.
The lone survivor and the cargo land ashore.
The light leaves, in search of more lost souls.

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