Atlas: The Titan Holding the Heavens | Teen Ink

Atlas: The Titan Holding the Heavens

November 30, 2015
By Sahara11 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sahara11 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

brethren at my side, fighting against the gods—neither side advantageous.
My fists collide with those of a god, thinking they are no match,
but I am unable to compete. I am defeated.


my heart beats violently like thunder.
Sweat drips like rain.
Holding the heavens is my eternal punishment.
My hair turns grey, my muscles ache. I am exhausted.


Hercules came to me, asking a favor.
I oblige, but only if he held the heavens in my absence.
Not wanting to return to pain and suffering, I try to trick him.
But he saw through my lies, and let go of the heavens,
forcing me to hold them once again. I was deceived.

the only thing releasing me from my punishment is death.
Hair knotted, eyes red, dirt caked on my feet.
Thinking we were unstoppable that day,
not realizing the strength of the gods.
The sky seems to get heavier. I continue to fight,
but I am unable to compete, I have lost hope.

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