DO NOT OPEN! | Teen Ink


November 30, 2015
By alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brother hurt, Epimetheus now alone.
Zeus granted him marriage to a beauty.
He bewed Pandora, his loneliness gone.
As a gift, she received a box with a perplexing message.
Everyone knew, besides the two, that Zeus had other plans for this couple.

A box from the devious Zeus.
A strange note had been left on the outside.
“DO NOT OPEN!” scratched on the outside.
But why? What could be so evil that you couldn’t open the box?
Soon enough, Pandora learned the answer to that mysterious question.

Curiosity took control.
Why would Zeus give her this gift?
Pandora, tempted to see the inside of the box.
She knew she shouldn’t, but she reached for the key anyways.
With the turn of a key, the box flew open, leaving the world in darkness.

Lid risen.
Out flew atrocious souls.
Envy, sickness, hate, disease escaped.
Pandora slammed the lid, but it closed too late.
All but one soul tends to escape -- that soul being hope.

Hope was left.
Hope could save the world.
Pandora opened the lid one last time.
Even though she thought it had been empty, out came hope.
A tiny bug flew free, and she brought beauty and promise for the future.

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