The Underworld--a nightmare of shadows | Teen Ink

The Underworld--a nightmare of shadows

November 30, 2015
By haleykalal GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
haleykalal GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Meeting the end of my time on earth:
I travel into the dark realms.
Others who passed greet me at the entrance.
The underworld--a nightmare of shadows.

Meeting Hades:
Feared by the living, accompanied by the dead.
The inevitability of death stares me in the eyes.
The underworld--a nightmare of shadows.

Meeting Cerberus:
The guardian of Hades.
A dog with three heads.
The underworld--a nightmare of shadows.

Meeting the cult of Hades:
The largest in ancient history.
The cult provides a further understanding of afterlife
The underworld--a nightmare of shadows.

Meeting cosmic understanding:
Vast and immeasurable.
The rest of my spirit's time lies in,
The underworld--a nightmare of shadows.

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