Colossal Crisis | Teen Ink

Colossal Crisis

December 1, 2015
By NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A splash of water hits the deck, as wet nets pull onboard,
Fish flop as they look for water, and the crew lets out a cheer.
Sails loosened, the crew makes its way home.
We see our guardian distantly watching.

Alert eyes scan the horizons, watching for boats
standing watch over our city.
Bronze limbs, and a burning torch,
protecting Rhodes from foes.

Panic ensues, as the earth moves.
The crew swears, seeing Poseidon.
Waves crash, rocks fall, and boats rock.
He fights for the people of our city.

We slow down, and see the colossus take a hit.
Almost falling, the cities guardian kneels,
as another shake rocks him, he falls.
Our guardian now lays on the ground.

The city fears for its life.
Some say the gods are at war, others try to recover
from the destruction. As we sail to destruction,
our guardian watching no more.

Goosebumps rise, the colossal head now on the ground,
watches us, begging for help. The boat swims further.
Roles switch. We rise as the guardians,
watching over our fallen hero.

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