Manifesting the Mausoleum | Teen Ink

Manifesting the Mausoleum

December 1, 2015
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

anifested on ancient ground
out of guilt or maybe just love
a story of a structure built 148 feet high
could it be that the creation of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
was not created out of love or guilt
but to tell a true ancient story, of the seven great wonders of the world.
As it stands still, soaring over the neighboring cities
with the smooth white texture to the outside walls
radiating in all its masked beauty
as if the building were a diamond
sparkling in the sun.
The coliseums of the mausoleum
resembling paper scrolls
each one tells a story
The artwork and details draped,
hiding a picture inside.
Lycian, Greek and Egyptian architecture built this structure.
Covered in white marble…
Marbleized in beauty,
the mausoleum stands high in the sky
one of the magnificent wonders of the world.
leaving us to truly wonder how did it ever get there?

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