Illumination: An Autobiography of Pharos | Teen Ink

Illumination: An Autobiography of Pharos

December 1, 2015
By mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

270 B.C.
Design, Determination, Delivery.
Born to the astounding architect, Sostratus,
I rose high above the harbour.
They call me Pharos--the lighthouse navigating the Nile.

300 A.D.
Bright, Bold, Blazing.
I guided my friends and scorched my enemies;
I burned continuously.
They call me Pharos--the lighthouse navigating the Nile.

1303 A.D.
Crash, Crumble, Catastrophic.
Weakened from a tsunami--destined to fall.
The ground shook and I crumbled.
They call me Pharos--the lighthouse navigating the Nile.

1400 A.D.
Low, Lying, Lonely.
I lie at the bottom of the Nile, frigid and hopeless,
Waiting for rescue.
They call me Pharos--the lighthouse lying in the Nile.

1480 A.D.
Charmless, Change, Citadel.
Qaitbey built it from my remains,
Protecting Alexandria from the Ottoman Empire.
They call it the fortress--the structure guarding the Nile.

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