MPM Poem | Teen Ink

MPM Poem

December 1, 2015
By Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mighty colosseum is an arena that was home to several events in the AD Era
It is commonly known for the wild and vicious battle of the gladiators
Located in the historic beautiful city Rome, Italy

The colosseum, which was a multi event arena
There was the harsh battles of gladiators
Also, battles of gladiators versus vicious animals

The popular building had its popularity in the AD Era
Construction for the colosseum started as early as 70 AD
In 80 AD the colosseum was ready for use

Events at the colosseum lasted decades to centuries
It was the most energetic building in all of Rome
The capacity of the colosseum was 50,000
50,000 people would pay much money just to watch these events

A tragic earthquake occurred in the year 1349
This caused parts of the colosseum to collapse
The colosseum lasted 80 AD to 1349
A big portion of the colosseum still stands today
The colosseum is one of the biggest tourist attractions in all of Europe

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