Beholding the Temple of Zeus | Teen Ink

Beholding the Temple of Zeus

December 1, 2015
By StardustCharthalos SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
StardustCharthalos SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beholding the Temple of Zeus

Just outside the walls of the Colosseum,
crafted out of luxury materials;
held up by walls of Pillars;
topped by a triangle roof with sculptures molded into the front.
This sight can’t be denied.

Past the pillars, to the ivory floors...
to the chariot race between Pelops and Oinomaos on the east pediment,
to the battle between Lapiths and Centaurs on the west pediment,
to the people looking upon the statue of Zeus.
This sight can’t be denied.

The Sky God sits higher than his own temple--
bones crafted from wood--
skin of ivory decorated by gold--
forged to lack flaws.
This sight can’t be denied.

An unknown face seeks glory...
bringing fire to the tall temple...
the wooden skeleton turns to ash...
the temple falls as the flames rise.
This sight can’t be denied.

Beyond the ashes, beyond the dust, beyond the fragments;
pillars still stand tall, despite their wear after A.D, 426--
and materials cannibalized for other buildings,
still magnificent, no matter the structure, no matter the time, no matter the meaning.
This sight can’t be denied.

The author's comments:

This Article is an assignment for my creative writing class

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