The Importance of Bison | Teen Ink

The Importance of Bison

December 1, 2015
By 6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
6trivett SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The men hunt for their next meal

while the children and women make clothes.
Bison flee
chased by hungry Native Americans.

Running like the wind,
Bison search for shelter.
Thousands scamper,
while the Native Americans pursuit them.

Us Americans take food for granted,
there isn’t an unlimited supply in this country.
That’s why Bison are so important to the Native Americans,
it’s one of their few sources of food.

Passionate, relentlessness, courage,
those are words to describe the Native Americans.
Scared and running for their lives,
those are words to describe the Bison fleeing for their lives.

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