A Trip to the Ancient World | Teen Ink

A Trip to the Ancient World

December 1, 2015
By Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The room darkens,

the lights flash white.
Soaring, swinging, smash.
Time rewinds, 435 BC.

Men carry gold panels and ivory plates on sore backs.
The golden sun glistens off Zeus.
Piece by piece, Zeus sores.
If Zeus were to stand, he would unroof the Temple of Zeus.

Zeus, clothed in a gold robe,
sandals on his feet,  and jewels around his neck.
His left hand grasps a throne, where an eagle perches.
His right hand palms his favorite messenger: Nike. Victory. 

Olympia, Greece. The Olympic Games. 
Yelling, madness, the crowds appear.
Jumping with stones, wrestling until admitted defeat, and running foot races.
The games, held in honor of Zeus.

The Temple of Zeus: ordered closed by Theodosius II
burns in flames, smoke smoldering. 
Finally, earthquakes smash the temple
Falling into pieces.

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