King Tut -- The Ruthless Leader of Egypt | Teen Ink

King Tut -- The Ruthless Leader of Egypt

December 1, 2015
By kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A battle is among our village ...

Gather the horses, weaponry, and men.
I must show who  controls Egypt.
The silent sand dunes of Egypt will be recreated as the bloody beaches.

A Battle is among our village...
Dazzled in my crown,
fiercely gripping my sword,
I hop onto the white stallion.

A battle is among our village...
Leading the surge to the neighboring village,
they’re  unprepared and my men take advantage.
I scream instructions to come out victorious. 

A battle is among our village...
Men die, families scream,
blood splatters, and horses yelp.
The retreat  coming, my army can sense it.

A battle is among our village...
The stallions gallop to town,
the screams and happiness return home.
A  battle crowns Egypt..

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