The Path | Teen Ink

The Path

December 3, 2015
By egifs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
egifs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the woods, she waits for the right moment
When the sun goes down
her light emerges, she tries to forget

A silent tear streams down my face
as I witness her life shatter, the pieces
covering the path she chose, the wrong turn
now leading her to a dead end.

Her youth escapes
not growing old, but growing numb
I wish she could recognize the casualties it’s causing

Now it is her tears filling the silence
as if she realizes her fate.
Everything vanishes except the hollow sound of her heart

The world stops and watches
the poor girl, so oblivious to the impending aftermath.
The stillness greatens, the prayers flood in.

I remember the joyous times, the sun radiating
over the childish seed, eager and healthy,
ready to embrace the beautiful life ahead.

The grass was green when the gardener’s love
blossomed and the innocent seed was given life.
The seed smiled and said “trust me”.

The gardeners nodded and watched in awe
as the seed sprouted,
roots reaching this way and that.

Proud of how the seed thrived,
they removed their gloves
and stepped back to let it flourish.

The seed did well, alone
until the oppressive yet iridescent creatures took hold,
tempting it, contaminating its roots.

Time faded.
Slowly, they sucked the life out of the seed,
the healthy roots now turning dark, malnourished
grass grey, sun dim.

The gardeners faces softened-
aghast at what the seed had become.
Disappointed, they turned their backs.

Alone, the leaves began to droop,
defenseless against the enticing beasts.
Captivating the vulnerable, they hid in the darkness
where the seed now resides.

There are two paths, my darling,
one leading to greatness, one leading to defeat.
Save yourself before the darkness engulfs your spirit.

For the gardeners’ love will return,
with the change in path
and a change in heart.

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